

noun ham·mock \ˈha-mək\

Definition of HAMMOCK

:  a swinging couch or bed usually made of netting or canvas and slung by cords from supports at each end

Illustration of HAMMOCK

Origin of HAMMOCK

Spanish hamaca, from Taino
First Known Use: 1626

Other Furniture and Woodworking Terms

appoint, credenza, mission, settee

Rhymes with HAMMOCK



Definition of HAMMOCK

:  hummock
:  a fertile area in the southern United States and especially Florida that is usually higher than its surroundings and that is characterized by hardwood vegetation and deep humus-rich soil

Origin of HAMMOCK

earlier hammok, hommoke, humock; akin to Middle Low German hummel small height, hump bump — more at hump
First Known Use: 1556

Other Geology Terms

anthracite, boulder, cwm, erratic, igneous, intrusive, mesa, sedimentary, silt, swale

Rhymes with HAMMOCK

HAMMOCK[1] Defined for Kids


noun ham·mock \ˈha-mək\

Definition of HAMMOCK for Kids

:  a swinging bed made of fabric or netting attached on either end to an upright object (as a tree)


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